Guernsey County Common Pleas Court
Judge Daniel G. Padden
General Division
Domestic Relations Division
Judge David B. Bennett
Probate Division
Juvenile Division
Welcome to the Guernsey County Common Pleas Court website. The General and Domestic Relations Divisions of the Common Pleas Court are located on the third (3rd) floor of the Guernsey County Courthouse. The Juvenile and Probate Divisions of the Common Pleas Court are located on the second floor of the Guernsey County Courthouse. The Courthouse is a historical landmark in the heart of downtown Cambridge, Ohio.
The Court of Common Pleas is the original Court of general jurisdiction of the Ohio Judicial System. In every County there is a Common Pleas Court, served by one or more Judges. In Guernsey County, the Court is served by Judge Daniel G. Padden and Judge David B. Bennett.