There are twelve districts of Appellate Courts throughout the State of Ohio – each district has jurisdiction over one or more counties. The Fifth District Court of Appeals governs Guernsey County.

An Appeal is a process brought forth by a party asking the Appellate Court to review a final appealable order rendered by the Trial Court. The Appellate Section accepts appeals from Common Pleas Court and Municipal Court.

Ohio Fifth District Court of Appeals Local Rules:

2025 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS to the Local Court Rules of the Fifth District Court of Appeals.  The proposed changes will be open to public comment through February 14, 2025.  The Court will consider all comments received. Comments on the proposed amendments should be submitted in writing to: David Q. Wigginton, Court Administrator, Fifth District Court of Appeals, 110 Central Plaza S # 320, Canton, OH 44702 or by email to


Notice of Appeals

A Notice of Appeal must be filed within thirty (30) days of the Judgment Entry issued by a Trial Court. The Judgment Entry you are appealing must be attached to the Docketing Statement.

After an Appeal is Filed

Upon the filing of a Notice of Appeal, the Clerk will receive the transcript of the record along with any other necessary documents. After all briefs are filed, the matter will be set for hearing in the Court of Appeals and the Clerk will notify all involved of the hearing date.

After A Judgment is Rendered

After the Court of Appeals issues a ruling, the Judgment is filed in the Clerk’s office. Any further appeal would then be filed with the Supreme Court of Ohio within 45 days..

Cost of an Appeal

The filing fees for a notice of appeal / mandamus is $90.00 and is to be paid for at the time of filing. When the case is closed, a final cost bill is generated containing final Court costs for any notices and journal entries signed by a judge. The bill is then mailed to the party per judgment entry.

Effective July 1, 2009

The Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on the Rules of Superintendence has developed

Public Access Rules 44 through 47
with the intent to “Strike a balance between the fundamental principal of openness of Court records and the importance of privacy rights of individuals”.

Requires the filing party to omit “Personal identifiers” when filing a case document with the court. These identifiers include:
1. Social security numbers, except last 4 digits
2. Financial account numbers
3. Employer and employee identification numbers
4. Juvenile’s name in abuse, neglect and dependency cases

1. Are not required to review documents to find personal identifiers.
2. May not refuse to file a document because personal identifiers are contained in said document.
3. May provide a form for placement of personal identifiers which will be confidential.

    Any person may request access to documents that have been restricted or redacted through written Motion to the Court.

Personal Identifiers Form